About the Department
The department of Special Education, Hearing Impairment was started in the Session 2009 - 10. The department focuses on integrated education in the areas of teaching, research and extension.
Head of the Department
Dr Kaushal Sharma
Designation: Associate Professor
E-mail: kaushalvnu06@hotmail.com
Qualification: Ph.D. (Special Education), M.A. (History), M.Ed. (Special Education-HI), L.L.B.
Research Area: Education of Persons with Disabilities, Counselling the Children with Disabilities, Rehabilitation Guidance and Counselling, Aural Rehabilitation for Hearing Impaired Children, Rehabilitation Administration and Management.
Faculty of the Department
Dr Mrutyunjaya Mishra
Designation: Associate Professor
E-mail: mrutyunjayamishra33@gmail.com
Qualification: MA{Eco}, M.Ed.{HI}, Ph.D.(Education) & PGJMC
Research Area: Training in Inclusive Education, Assessment of CWHI and Transitional Services for CWHI, Manpower Development in Special & Inclusive Education.
Mr Chet Narayan Patel
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: chetanbhu@gmail.com
Qualification: M.Sc{Zoology}, M.Ed {HI}, CSIR NET & UGC NET
Research Area: Early Identification, Intervention and Psychological Effect of Hearing Impairment. Inclusion of CWHI.
Dr Sita Ram Pal
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: srpal74@gmail.com
Qualification: M.A., M.Ed, UGC NET & Ph.D.
Research Area: Special Education Curriculum adaptation, Inclusive Education, Speech & Language development in children with special needs.
Dr Arjun Prasad
Designation: Special Educator
E-mail: drarjunprasaddsmru@ gmail.com
Qualification: MA, D.Ed{HI}, B.Ed{HI}, B.Ed, M.Ed{HI}, M.Phil, UGC-NET & Ph.D.
Research Area: Historical Perspectives of Special Education,The development of Language and communication in CWHI.
Mrs. Hema Singh
Designation: Speech Therapist
E-mail: hemasingh7584@gmail.com
Qualification: Bachelor of Hearing, Language and Speech Pathology
Research Area:
* Alphabetically Arranged
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