About the Department
The department of Special Education, Visual Impairment was started in the Session 2009 - 10. The department focuses on integrated education in the areas of teaching, research and extension.
Head of the Department
Dr Vijay Shankar Sharma
Designation: Associate Professor
E-mail: drvijss[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: M.A.(Eco), M.A.(Ant. History), M.Ed Special Education (Visual Impairment), Ph.D(Education)
Research Area: Inclusive Education, Barrier Free Environment, Low Vision: Assessment Educational Provision, Rehabilitation, Curriculum adaptation
Faculty of the Department
Dr Adya Shakti Rai
Designation: Associate Professor
E-mail: raiadya[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: Ph.D(Education), M.Ed Special Education, Visual Impairment (Gold Medalist), M.Ed (Gold Medalist), M.Sc (Mathematics, Gold Medalist), UGC NET, NCERT Fellowship, DIY & DCA
Research Area: Inclusive Education, Primary Education and Visual Impairment
Mr Ashish Kumar Gupta
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: ashishkumarguptadsmru[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: M.Sc (Botany), M.Ed. Special Education (VI), UGC NET-JRF Dec 2013
Research Area: Education of Low Vision and Visual Efficiency Training for Children with Low Vision, Curriculum adaptation for CWVI
Dr Brijesh Kumar Rai
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: brij.del[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: M.Ed. Special Education (VI), M.A.(Hindi), PGPDSE(HI), UGC-NET (Education)
Research Area: Inclusive Education, Technology in Inclusive Education, Curriculum adaptation for Visual Impairment
Dr Dinesh Kumar
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: dinesh.10[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: M.Ed. Special Education (VI), M.Sc (Botany), M.Ed. Special Education (MR), M.Phil Education, Ph.D.(Education), UGC-NET Education
Research Area: Inclusive Education, Special Education, Teaching of Science (Life Science), Social Skills
Dr Sudha Rao
Designation: Special Educator
E-mail: raolakshyaaru[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: Ph.D(Psycho), M.Phil(Psycho), M.Ed. Special Education (VI), MA(Psychology and Sociology), Diploma in Guidance and Counselling and B.Ed.(VI)
Research Area: Psychological Needs of Adolescents and Assistive Devices for Low Vision Children
Mrs Puja
Designation: Special Educator
E-mail: pujaprasad9[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: MA(Eng), BA , B.Ed (VI) Four yrs Integrated Course and PGD in Management of Learning Disabilities, M.Ed. S.E.(VI) and UGC-NET(Education)
Research Area: Learning problems faced by Visually Impaired Children with Learning Disability and Societal Attitude of Low Vision
Mr Neeraj Dixit
Designation: Orientation and Mobility Trainer
E-mail: neerajdixitlucknow[at]gmail[dot]com
Qualification: Cert. in O and M, DSE(Deafblind), B.Ed. Special Education (VI) and MA (Sociology)
Research Area: New Dimensions of O and M for Db (Deafblind)
* Alphabetically Arranged
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