
University Contact Details
Prof Sanjay Singh, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor ---------- vc[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Shri Rohit Singh, Registrar --- registrar[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Shri Shrinivas Tripathi, Finance Officer --- fo[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr Amit Rai, Controller of Examination 8887222004 coe[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Shri Anil Kumar Mishra, Deputy Registrar -- dr[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Ms Pooja Agarwal, System Analyst ---- sa[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr Ranjeet Kumar, Workshop Manager, ALRC 8887222056 wm[dot]alrc[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Mr Brijendra Singh, Assistant Registrar 8887222008 ar1[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Ms Bindu Tripathi, Assistant Registrar 8887222009 ar2[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Prof C K Dixit, Proctor cproctor[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Science 8887222013
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Commerce 8887222015
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Science 8887222018
Associate Professor and Dean, Faculty of Special Education
Associate Professor and Dean, Student Welfare --
Professor and HoD, Fine Arts 8887222029
Associate Professor and HoD, Economics 8887222019
Associate Professor and HoD, Management 8887222020
Associate Professor and HoD, Hindi 8887222023
Associate Professor and HoD, IT 8887222024
Associate Professor and HoD, English 8887222026
Associate Professor and HoD, Political Science & Public Administration 8887222027
Associate Professor and HoD, History and Archeology 8887222028
Associate Professor and HoD, Special Education Visual Impairment 8887222030
Associate Professor and HoD, Special Education Hearing Impairment 8887222031
Boys Hostel 8887222026  
Girls Hostel 8887222014  
Prof C K Dixit, Director, Engineering and Technology -- directorftec[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr. Bharat Mishra, Director, Pharmacy -- bmishra_pharmacy[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Mr Birag Dixit, Director, Placement 9919696444 placement[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in