
Dr. V. K. Singh

Professor English and Dean, Academics, Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Science, Faculty of Language and Faculty of Para-Medical Rehabilitation Sciences
Email : vksingh[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in, vkumarsingh35[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Chandra. K. Dixit

Professor Physics and Dean, Faculty of Science
Email : ckparadise[at]gmail[dot]com, hodphysics[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Mobile : 9415190826, 9219454240
Dr. Nagendra Yadav

Professor Management and Dean, Faculty of Commerce
Email : nagendramadhu[at]rediffmail[dot]com
Dr. Shephali Yadav

Professor Law and Dean, Faculty of Law
Email : syadav[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr. Ashutosh Pandey

Associate Professor Political Science & Public Administration and Dean, Student Welfare
Email : ashutoshpandey[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Dr Kaushal Sharma

Associate Professor Hearing Impairment and Dean, Faculty of Special Education
Email : kaushalvnu06[at]hotmail[dot]com
* Alphabetically Arranged