About the Department
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics was established came into existence in
2015. The department is composed of three faculty members, 2 Ph.D. research
scholars, 19 M.Sc. Students and one contractual non–teaching staff. The department in
a very short span of time has made its presence felt in the arena of Statistics by
organizing invited lectures and interactive sessions of the illustrious dignitaries for the
benefit of students on upcoming research and applied areas.
The faculty members of the department have published numerous papers in national as
well international journals of repute. The faculty members of the department have also
delivered invited as well as contributed talks in various conferences and workshops in
India in the area of Statistics.
The faculty members of the department actively engage the students in various practical
oriented laboratory problems to teach various aspects of Statistics and its applications
cutting across almost all the disciplines. The students of the department participated
actively and won prizes in the various extra-curricular activities at various forums
including our University.
Head of the Department
Prof (Dr) Chandra. K. Dixit
Designation: Professor & Head, Department of Physics
E-mail: ckdixit[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in, hodphysics[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in, ckparadise[at]gmail[dot]com
Mobile: 9415190826, 9219454240
Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, MMRI, MMR (Singapore)
Research Area: Nano Material, Ferroelectric Material, Phase Change Material & Active/Smart Material, X-Ray Diffaraction SEM, TEM, AFM & FMR Analysis, Thin Film Technology, Nano drug delivery through Radiation Technology.
Faculty of the Department
Name: Dr. Shashi Bhushan (On Leave)
Designation: Associate Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
E-mail: sbhushan[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Qualification: CSIR NET (JRF), Ph.D. (Statistics)
Research Area: Sampling Techniques, Econometrics, Measurement Errors and Missing Data
Dr. Dushyant Tyagi
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: dtyagi[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Qualification: M.Phil. (Statistics), Ph.D. (Statistics)
Research Area: Statistical Quality Control, Regression Analysis and Applied Statistics
Dr. Praveen Kumar Misra
Designation: Assistant Professor & Coordinator Mathematics and Statistics Department
E-mail: pkmisra[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in
Qualification: Ph.D. (Statistics)
Research Area: Sampling Techniques and Applied Statistics
* Alphabetically Arranged
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