About the Department
The Department of Physics has been established as per statute act of the University. It has been function since 2015 by starting the PG program (M.Sc. Physics with specialization in Electronics and Nano Technology) and Doctoral program (Ph.D. Physics). Right now the Department has 03 members of Faculty to start with namely Dr. C.K. Dixit, Professor and Head, Dr. D.B. Singh, Assistant Professor and Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor. The Department aims to establish a high standards of teaching and Research in physics and to cater the needs of the nation and society through Scientific developments. The department has included the Integrated teaching and research for the differently abled persons of the society so as to fulfill the the dreams and over-all scientific development of the Country. The Department also aims to establish a centre of advanced study and a centre of excellence in the coming days. The department offers Ph.D. Program in various research areas of Experimental & Theoretical physics. Research in the Department is being pursuit in many of the contemporarily major areas of Theoretical& Experimental physics like, condensed matter physics space & atmospherics physics, nuclear physics, Nano technology, Atomic & Bio-physics. The growing International reputation of the department has enabled it to join several international collaborations.
Head of the Department
Prof (Dr) Chandra. K. Dixit
Designation: Professor & Head, Department of Physics
E-mail: ckdixit[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in, hodphysics[at]dsmnru[dot]ac[dot]in, ckparadise[at]gmail[dot]com
Mobile: 9415190826, 9219454240
Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, MMRI, MMR (Singapore)
Research Area: Nano Material, Ferroelectric Material, Phase Change Material & Active/Smart Material, X-Ray Diffaraction SEM, TEM, AFM & FMR Analysis, Thin Film Technology, Nano drug delivery through Radiation Technology.
Faculty of the Department
Dr Ashok kumar Mishra
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: akmishra@dsmnru.ac.in, akmishra2k5@gmail.com
Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D, CSIR-NET
Research Area: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Organic Semiconductor Materials & Application, BioPhysics
Dr D. B. Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
E-mail: dbsingh@dsmnru.ac.in, dbsinghbbk@gmail.com
Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D, CSIR-NET, FISCA, AFIIE
Research Area: Structural dynamics & Vibrational Spectra of Bio-molecules using X-ray Crystallography, Raman & FTIR Spectra Nano & Active/ Smart Material
* Alphabetically Arranged
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